Datalinks Wiki
Accessable Information on Development Aid (AiDA)





AiDA intends to be the largest online directory of official development aid activities worldwide.

Details AiDA is the largest online directory of development activities. This inventory offers a quick overview of who is doing what in international development, where they are doing it, and with what funds. Information may not reflect all activities or most recent activities.

  AiDA was created by the Development Gateway Foundation at the request of World Bank president James Wolfensohn. Building on the work started by the International Network for Development Information Exchange and the International Development Markup Language (IDML) Initiative, the Development Gateway Foundation carried out a successful pilot to test the application of XML to consolidate information and to scale up the use of IDML for information sharing. Day to day management of AiDA was undertaken by the World Bank until July 1, 2004, when the responsibility was transferred to the Development Gateway Foundation.